Mumbai Police have arrested a man in Bandra for allegedly threatening Bollywood superstar Salman Khan with death and demanding a ransom of ₹2 crore. The arrest followed a report filed by the Mumbai Traffic Police after receiving a message from an unknown sender warning Khan of fatal consequences if the ransom wasn’t paid. The suspect, […]
Ayodhya celebrated its first Deepotsav after the consecration of the Ram temple earlier this year, illuminating the city with over 25 lakh diyas along the River Saryu. The event set a new Guinness World Record for the number of oil lamps lit simultaneously, marking a momentous occasion in the temple town. The eighth annual Deepotsav, […]
On National Unity Day, observed on October 31, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized unity and national integrity during a significant event held near the Statue of Unity in Kevadia, Gujarat. Highlighting major governance initiatives, PM Modi reiterated his government’s focus on “One Nation, One Election” to streamline simultaneous elections for both the Lok Sabha and
Following a significant bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Russia, Chinese Ambassador to India Xu Feihong stated that “many important understandings” were reached to guide future India-China relations. Xu’s comments come a week after India announced a patrolling agreement
In a major diplomatic escalation, the Canadian government has accused India’s Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah of involvement in a campaign targeting Sikh separatists in Canada. The allegations, made public during a parliamentary committee hearing, suggest that Shah, a close political ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was linked to plots of violence and
The Indian banking sector is set to undergo a significant change as the Finance Ministry is expected to approve a 5-day banking week, with banks closed on both Saturdays and Sundays. This move follows an agreement reached between the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and bank employee unions, with a proposal to slightly extend daily working […]
The Indian government is exploring a “non-controversial” approach to acquire 114 multirole fighter jets for the Indian Air Force (IAF), aiming to avoid the controversy that surrounded the 2016 Rafale deal. The decision comes after the Rafale acquisition, which faced political scrutiny and required the sharing of confidential details with the Supreme Court to
India is increasingly becoming a top investment destination for Swiss companies like ABB and Kuehne Nagel, thanks to a $100 billion regional trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Signed in March, the Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) is expected to open new business avenues by reducing tariffs and making India’s growing […]
In a significant diplomatic move, Brazil has declined to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), becoming the second BRICS nation after India to opt out of Beijing’s multi-billion-dollar global infrastructure project. The decision highlights Brazil’s focus on establishing independent partnerships with China, rather than aligning with the broader BRI
Russia, facing aviation challenges due to Western sanctions, has invited Indian airlines to operate domestic routes within its territory. The proposal comes as Russian airlines struggle to meet local demand, restricted by sanctions that limit access to aircraft and essential parts from the U.S. and Europe. Russia’s ‘Cabotage’ Proposal The offer was