Israel’s Covert Sabotage: Explosive-Laden Centrifuge Platforms Supplied to Iran
In a startling revelation, Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Vice President for Strategic Affairs, has acknowledged that Israel successfully infiltrated Iran’s nuclear program by supplying centrifuge platforms embedded with explosives. This covert operation led to significant disruptions in Iran’s uranium enrichment capabilities.
Zarif, who previously served as Iran’s Foreign Minister, disclosed that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran had procured centrifuge platforms through multiple intermediaries, a necessity due to international sanctions. Unbeknownst to them, these platforms had been tampered with by Israeli operatives, resulting in explosions that caused substantial damage to Iran’s nuclear facilities.
This admission provides insight into the sophisticated methods employed by Israel to impede Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The sabotage operations, attributed to Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, have reportedly set back Iran’s nuclear program by several years.
The disclosure comes amid heightened tensions in the Middle East, with Iran advancing its uranium enrichment activities and international concerns escalating over potential nuclear proliferation. The revelation underscores the complex interplay of espionage and countermeasures that define the clandestine struggle over nuclear capabilities in the region.