India’s retail inflation jumped to 5.49% in September, crossing the central bank’s target range, largely due to a base effect and a sharp rise in vegetable prices. According to data from the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, the Consumer Price Index (CPI)-based inflation saw a notable increase from 3.65% in August, exceeding the 5.1% […]
Government Policies
India has achieved a historic milestone in its renewable energy sector, with the country’s total renewable energy capacity surpassing 200 GW as of October 10, 2024. According to the Central Electricity Authority, the renewable energy-based generation capacity now stands at 201.45 GW, marking a significant step in India’s journey towards a cleaner and more sustainable
Government Policies
The PM GatiShakti National Master Plan (NMP) for multimodal connectivity, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 13, 2021, has completed three successful years, achieving significant milestones in transforming India’s infrastructure landscape. The initiative, which leverages geospatial technology and a “Whole of Government” approach, has led to faster project